Deeper Roots, Bigger Branches

Picture a tree standing tall in a field.

Its branches bear fruit and provide shade to tired travelers. They stand tall in the hot sun, and withstand the arduous attacks of storms and wind.

But those branches only grow big if the tree has deep roots.

“They are like trees planted along a riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water. Such trees are not bothered by the heat or worried by long months of drought. Their leaves stay green, and they never stop producing fruit.” Jeremiah 17:8

Right now, something is happening in Africa. Spiritual shoots are bursting out of the ground and the Church’s branches are reaching to the sky.

But they need your help.

The soil is good. The seed is planted. And God is cultivating something amazing among the churches in Uganda, Kenya, Burundi, Zambia, and Malawi. But they need your support to make sure their roots grow deep into the earth, and their branches continue to grow bigger, and produce fruit.

It’s a big ask. The Church in Africa needs $1.2 million to build up, train, and equip believers across the continent so they can grow in their faith and effectively share Jesus’ lifesaving message with 350,000 souls.

Imagine the impact your support will have as you bring the hope that can only come from the gospel to Africa.

A spiritual revival is taking place. Will you be a part of it?




Appelez-nous au 519-823-1140 ou sans frais au 1-888-482-4253
Postez un chèque à C. P. 3619, Guelph (Ontario) N1H 7A2

L’utilisation des fonds est uniquement réservée aux programmes et aux projets approuvés par le Conseil. Chaque contribution assujettie à des restrictions et désignée à un programme ou un projet approuvé par le Conseil sera employée selon sa désignation, sachant que lorsque les besoins d’un tel programme ou projet ont été atteints, ou ne peuvent pas être réalisés pour une raison déterminée par le Conseil, le reste des contributions assujetties à des restrictions et désignées pour un tel programme ou projet sera employé là où il sera le plus utile.


Courriel :
Téléphone : 519-823-1140
Sans frais : 1-888-482-4253

Heures de bureau :
de 9 h à 16 h 30 HE,
du lundi au vendredi


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